Sunday, May 20, 2012
Welcome Home, Maggie Mae
This past Thursday, Brad and I adopted a sweet 10 month old golden retriever mix from the humane society. Her name is Maggie Mae and we are quickly falling in love with her. She is already housebroken, crate trained, and sleeping through the night. She can even sit, give high fives, and fetch! She has had a ball so far being here. She already loves the dog park and has a new best friend next door named Ginger. Ginger is also a rescued retriever mix, so they are perfect for each other. Maggie is our second rescue dog and I don't know if we could ever do it another way after this. Rescue dogs may need some extra love and attention, but they pay it all back ten fold with their love! Our last dog Jake, didn't really have a back story other than we knew he had been in the pound in the Charlotte area for about 2 years. He was the sweetest dog ever! We were so heart broken when we had to put him to sleep this past fall. Maggie was taken from a home where they had her chained up in the back yard and the chain was growing into her neck. She still has the scars under her soft puppy fur. When she was taken, a doctor took her in, but with 12 hour shifts, wasn't able to give her proper love and attention. He took her to the humane society with hopes someone would adopt her. About a week later, she is ours and we are so happy!
She looks so happy to have a great home!